Programs and Services
Workplace Learning Programs
At Workplace Learning PEI, we understand that well-trained employees are the key to business success and that many job-seekers need help building skills and getting the training they need to succeed.
Our programs and services are designed to help you reach your most ambitious goals, whether you’re an employer, underemployed worker, or job-seeker.
ADAPT – A Virtual Support Program for Island Workers and Their Employers
The ADAPT (Accommodating learning Disabilities to Accelerate Performance and Thrive) Program provides Island employers and workers with FREE access to a suite of virtual services to screen for, diagnose, and support learning disabilities in the workplace.
WES: Workplace Essential Skills
Workplace Essential Skills (WES) training is aimed at helping adults who are underemployed or seeking employment and require additional essential skills to succeed.
Learning activities focus on the specific tasks associated with either an individual’s education goal, current job, or desired occupation. Training is customized to respond to the specific needs of the learning goal and work environment.
Additionally, WES training can be designed to support individuals who have experienced difficulty taking certification exams. Training is adapted to help individuals prepare for GED, Test of Workplace Essential Skills (TOWES), and Red Seal certification exams.
Training is delivered using a blended model and is structured to best meet each participant’s learning needs and could include classroom, small group, one-on-one or online delivery.
Locations: Charlottetown, Summerside, and Lennox Island
20 week program: October to April in all locations
Essential Skills Assessment (ESA)
Essential Skill Assessment (ESA) is a service offered to job-seekers/workers that are referred by a partner agency. The assessment can take up to 2 hours and includes an interview and assessment of essential skills relevant to the client’s goals, such as math skills, reading skills, or digital tech skills.
The purpose of an ESA is to allow learners an opportunity to showcase their skills and understand where they may or may not have skills gaps. As the assessment unfolds, learners can ask questions and participate in the assessment. The assessor provides feedback and recommendations to improve their learning.
Various partner agencies that offer pre-employment programs, contract Workplace Learning PEI to provides ESAs to their program participants. The ESA provides an opportunity for a participant to better understand essential skills and how they pertain to their employment or learning goal.